EMT Course

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health/OEMS certifies MVAEMT to provide the educational experience that leads to an EMT certification according to the National Registry Standard.

EMT is the second of four levels of Emergency Medical Technicians. The next level is Advanced EMT and then Paramedic.

Our course meets twice a week (Tuesday and Thursday nights and selected Saturdays) and runs from early January to April providing our student EMTs what they need to know to both provide quality pre-hospital care to our patients and the material needed to succeed in the National Registry EMT practical and written tests.

The course combines didactic and hands-on practical material covering all aspects of the EMT’s scope of practice:

  1. Healthcare Provider CPR Certification

  2. Scope of Practice and Legal Responsibilities

  3. Physiology

  4. Trauma and Medical Emergencies

  5. OB/GYN Emergencies

  6. Toxin/Poison and Environmental Emergencies

  7. Pharmacology

  8. Pediatric and Geriatric Emergencies

  9. Ambulance Operations

  10. Hazardous Materials Emergencies

  11. MCI - Multiple Casualty Incidents

All course materials are provided including texts, stethoscope, sphygmomanometer, CPR mask and online testing and study resources.

Course fees can be paid via credit card.

Check out the FAQs... click here.

To apply for the 2018 EMT Class click HERE.